How To Prepare For A Job Interview
Tips For an Apprenticeship Interview and the Questions to Ask
Preparing for an apprenticeship or traineeship job interview is your opportunity to showcase your skills and personality so that you make a positive impression on potential employers. If you’re feeling a little nervous, that’s normal, most of us feel a little daunted about interviewing, so at NextGen Jobs, we believe that with the right preparation, you can set yourself up for success.
We’ve compiled some key guidelines on job interview preparation to help you ace your next interview.
Preparation is Key
Talking about your skills and experience doesn’t always come naturally, so preparing for an interview gives you the confidence to have the answers to questions on the tip of our tongue. If you thoroughly prepare for your job interview, then you won’t feel blindsided or confused and you can present yourself in an engaging, professional and confident manner. And most importantly, quiet the nerves.
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Employers are looking for candidates who have had exposure to or a good understanding of their industry, but they also want to know that you’re a good fit culturally too, which is more about soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, agility and team-work qualities. Preparation proves these soft skills.
Understand the Job Description and the Business
Unlocking the secret to successful interview skills begins with a deep understanding of the position you're applying for. Request a copy of the position description if you are not provided with one. Determine the main responsibilities, core competencies required, and the important relationships (internal and external to the company). With a good understanding of the role, you can anticipate potential challenges and priorities while impressing the interview panel with your preparation and knowledge.
It’s also necessary to gain insight into your potential employer and their company. Familiarise yourself with their website, social media for recent news, and press releases. Definitely read the About Us page on their website, their Mission Statement and what topics they engage with in their industry.
Punctuality and Professionalism
Don’t be late, in a rush or disorganised. This will be interpreted as the type of employee you are. Arriving early to your interview is a sign of respect and professionalism.
Aim to arrive 5-10 minutes early. Know how to get there, whether by car or transport. What are the parking conditions and costs? Are there train or roadworks that you need to plan around?
Upon arrival, introduce yourself to the receptionist and ask for your contact person: repeat their name so as to remember it. Using a person’s name shows your attentiveness. Make eye contact, smile, and shake hands when introducing yourself.
As a general rule, it's always better to be overdressed than under-dressed. Dress professionally and confidently to leave a lasting impression.
If your interview is via computer, check your technology is working properly. Ensure the background is clean and professional looking. Advise family, flatmates and friends of the situation and ensure pets are not roaming within view. Aim for a mid-shot frame from shoulders up.
Practice Interview Answers
During your interview, you will be asked about your employment history, competency-based questions, and relevant technical questions. Competency questions are designed to assess how you use skills and attributes and not what they are. When answering these questions, use the STAR method to provide specific examples from your previous work experience.
Situation: explain the specific situation
Task: what was required
Action: explain the action/s required for resolution
Result: what was the outcome and what did you learn
Pro Tips For Apprenticeship Interview
Rehearse your answers out loud. Yes, you may feel a little self-conscious, however, don’t let the interview be the very first place you share this experience out loud. You can rehearse in the shower, in the car, making a coffee. It will be a huge confidence boost to have your answers prepared so you’re not reaching for them - making a good impression.
Engage All Interviewers. If you are interviewed by more than one person, make sure to engage with all parties involved. Make eye contact, speak clearly, and try to remember their names. Treat each person with the same respect and attention throughout the interview process.
If you are applying for an office based role, such as a business or IT Traineeship, feel comfortable to take some notes into your interview for reference – but be very aware of only glancing at them from time to time.
Questions To Ask In An Apprenticeship Interview
Remember, an interview is not just an opportunity for the employer to assess you, it's also a chance for you to evaluate the apprenticeship or traineeship position and the company. Be prepared with well-researched questions about the job, the department, and the company's culture. For example:
What are the traits critical for success in the position?
What are the current strengths of the department?
What is the team culture like?
What are the advancement opportunities?
Knowing what you know, what would you ask in my position?
Inquire About Next Steps
Don't be afraid to ask about the next steps in the hiring process. Express your enthusiasm for the position and let the interviewer know you are eager to join their team. It’s okay to ask when you’ll hear back from them? Showing interest, leaves a lasting impression and demonstrates your commitment to taking the next step.
Departure Etiquette
As you wrap up the interview, remember to maintain professionalism and leave a positive impression. Look the interviewer in the eye, smile, give them a firm handshake, and thank them for their time and consideration.
You may like to send a follow up email thanking them for their time and reiterating your enthusiasm for the position. If you don’t have their contact details, ask your NextGen Jobs recruitment contact to forward it on to the employer.
What Not To Do In A Job Interview
Here is a list of The Don’ts:
Don't be late: leave plenty of time to get to your interview. Arriving early shows dedication and preparation
Don't go casually dressed: dress professionally (unless otherwise advised)
Don't press for an early decision: it's natural to be eager for a response, but avoid pressuring the interviewer for an immediate decision. Instead, inquire about the time frame for their decision-making process
Don't ask for an interview evaluation: once you receive a call informing you of their decision, you can then ask for feedback.
Remember, at NextGen Jobs we are here to support you throughout your interview process. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for information about what to expect in the interview. Ask for any details that will help you be better prepared.
Now, go out there with confidence and make a lasting impression during your next job interview! Your future is waiting, and we believe in your potential to succeed.